Pamela Lyons Brinegar

   Certified Genealogist  
                                                  1473 Pine Meadow Road, Lexington, KY 40504



                                                Research Contract



Enclosed is a retainer in the amount of $_________ by which I engage the services of
Pamela Lyons Brinegar, CG and authorize her to conduct research on my behalf for an
amount not to exceed $__________ plus expenses. The research subject is
_______________________ of ________________________ and my research objective is
(state briefly what you hope to accomplish):




Along with a signed copy of this contract, I am providing copies of all relevant information
in my possession including:



                   • names of spouses, siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. 
                   • vital statistics (birth, death and marriage information)

                   • public records including deeds, census, estate, court, military
                   • family group sheets or ancestor/descendant charts

                   • family origin traditions (please state briefly)

                   • any other reports



Not providing all such information may result in duplication of client resources.


                                                       ____________________       ____________

                                                       client signature                  date


I understand that creative authorship of client reports is protected under the United States
Copyright Act of 1976 as "work for hire" and copyright resides with the author. Facts
contained in client reports are not copyrightable and may be used at will.    

I also hereby give permission for the use of research findings in lectures, published
materials, and in the researcher’s portfolio submitted periodically to the Board for
Certification of Genealogists for renewal of certification.



                                                       ____________________            ____________

                                                       client signature                        date



Pamela Lyons Brinegar, CG agrees to


                   • review all client-provided information

                   • prepare and carry out a work plan

                   • provide the client with a research report showing sources

                      used, positive and negative results, and an analysis of findings

                   • include appropriate document copies, transcriptions or abstracts

                   • prepare a full accounting of time and expenses

                   • make recommendations for future research


Research will be charged at $50 per hour plus expenses (photocopying, printing from filmed
images, parking, postage, repository fees, microfilm rental, mileage at current
IRS rate).
Travel time outside Fayette and Franklin counties Kentucky is charged at half the hourly
research rate.


While most research yields useful information, specific results cannot be guaranteed.
Time is charged for carrying out a reasonably exhaustive search of resources,
regardless of outcome.


                                                                     ______________________            __________________

                                                       Pamela Lyons Brinegar, CG              Date